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=> Grounds for Nullity of Marriage
=> Presumptive death of a spouse for subsequent marriage
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SDBORJA22 (^^,)v

Far Eastern University

Institute of Nursing

Associate in Health Science Education

Primary Health Care II- Related Learning Experience


Operational Definition of Terms



1.        Head of the Family-recognized head of the family.

2.        Complete Address- the number, street name, and other information that describes where a building is or where somebody lives.

3.        Length of Residency-the length of time that the longest residing head of household has been at the same address.

4.        Place of Origin- where the head of the family originated or was nurtured in his early existence.

5.        Ethnic Background-selected cultural an sometimes physical characteristics used to classify people into groups or categories considered to be significantly different from others such as mangyans, t’boli, etc.

6.        Primary Dialect Spoken- the primary dialect used by the family in the house.

7.        No. of Families-is the total number of families one house.

8.        Sex- either of two divisions, male and female by which organisms are distinguished with reference to the reproduction functions.

9.        Age- the period of existence an individual that is living in this world as of last birthday.

10.      Civil Status- and marital status. Acts of civil status exist for birth, marriage and death.

a.        Single – person is not and has never been married.

b.        Married - undergone marriage, person living with another person bound by legal rites.

c.        Common Law - non-marital relationship, person living with another person without the benefit of a legal marriage; a couple living together for five years or more without a marriage license but is solemnized is considered to be married.

d.        Widowed – person whose spouse has died, and has not remarried. Widow for female; widower for male.

e.        Separated – person legally separated from his/her spouse or who is living apart from his/ her spouse because of marital discord or similar reasons; a person whose bond of marriage has been dissolved and can therefore remarry.


11. Religion- Is the set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas and practices that define the relations between human being and sacred or divinity. A given religion is defined by specific elements of a community of believers: dogmas, sacred books, rites, worship, sacrament, moral prescription, interdicts, and organization.


12. Educational Attainment-highest degree of education an individual has completed.

a. College Graduate- are persons who have received a college, university or a professional degree.

                        b. College Undergraduate- a student who has not yet received a bachelor’s degree or similar degree.

                        c. High school Graduate- are persons who have finished their high school.

                        d. High school Undergraduate- persons of compulsory school attendance age or above who were not enrolled in school and not a high school graduate.

                        e. Elementary graduate – persons who finished elementary education only.

                        f. Elementary undergraduate – person who didn't finish his/her elementary education.

                        g. Vocational – training for a specific vocation in industry or agriculture or trade. (2year courses)

13. Educational Status- the status of the person whether he is presently studying, stopped studying or has no formal education. It is applicable only to members of the family who are 7 years old and above.

                        a. No Formal Education- has never had any formal education (elementary, high school, college).

                        b. Presently studying-person who is presently enrolled or studying to attain education.

                        c. Stopped studying - who stopped in studying.

14.  Occupational Status

a. Underemployment- working below the minimum working hours

1.  Employed only part-time when one needs and desires full-time employment.

2. Inadequately employed, especially employed at a low-paying job that requires less skill or training than one possesses.

3.  Not fully or adequately used or employed.

b. Unemployment/Unemployed - no jobs, seeking jobs, available for jobs, who does not have a paying job but is available for work and is actively seeking a job.

c. Employed - who are employed full-time or part-time during a specified payroll period.


15. Combined Monthly Family Income- is the total salary of employed family members per month.

16. Sources of Income- it is where the income coming from.

17. Expenditures- are the averages of consumer’s purchases.

18. Resources allotted to healthcare – are resources allotted for health care, such as savings and health insurance, give an idea on how the family values their health. It shows how prepared they are to meet basic health care needs, especially during emergencies.


*Health Insurance- is insurance that pays for all or part of a person’s health care bills.


a. Phil Health- a premier government corporation that ensures sustainable, affordable and progressive social health insurance which endeavors to influence the delivery of accessible quality health care for all Filipinos.

b. SSS (Social Security System)- a system of federally funded services and payments to help support the needy, the aged and the temporary unemployed as well as providing support for the needy, dependent, disabled, or neglected children, rehabilitation for the disabled and a host of other social services.

c. GSIS (Government Service Insurance System)-  the principal benefit package of the GSIS consists of compulsory and optional life insurance, retirement, separation and employee’s compensation benefits.


 *Savings- the part of a person’s income that is not spent.


19. Recognized Leaders in the Community

a. Barangay Officials- refer to the elected officers of the barangay to implement rules and regulations governing the barangay.

b. NGO’s (non-government organizations)- theyfunction as an individual organizations separated from the government that pursue a common goal for the benefit of their members.

c. Religious Leaders- refer to persons commonly seen and observed in religious rites and practices.

d. Elders-refer to the community’s senior constituents who have lived in the community for almost the rest of their lives.


20. Community Program- the activities that can be participated in at a community center, camp, resort, etc.

                        a. Peace and Order


Function / Tasks

Dept./ Serv.

Definition: Peace and Order

Peace and Order


Responsible for keeping the peace and order within the City.

Public Order


The Police Service will identify the vulnerable sectors of the community and ensure that there are adequate resources available to provide a safe environment.



Specially trained paramedics to work with Public Order Units by providing medical care and rehabilitation during deployment.

Fire Services

To provide personnel and equipment to aid in the protection of Police Officers and property under the direction of Police Services.

Bylaw and Regulatory Services

Provide personnel to support police officers under the direction of the Police Service.

Crowd management


The Police Service will identify the vulnerable sectors of the community and ensure that there are adequate resources available to provide a safe environment

Paramedic Service

Provide rehabilitation to Police personnel and pertinent stakeholders during deployment.

Fire Service

To provide personnel and equipment to aid in the protection of Police Officers and property under the direction of Police Services.

Bylaw and Regulatory Services

Provide personnel to support police officers under the direction of the Police Service.

Crime scene investigation


The Police Service will be responsible for conducting the criminal investigation

Fire Services

To provide fire investigation services in conjunction with Police.

Paramedic Service

Paramedic Service will provide body removal from public areas, if ordered by coroner.

Public Health

Public Health staff will support and comply with the directives of the Police with regard to handling of clothing or items that may have been contaminated as a result of a hazardous materials event and may be used as evidence during a criminal investigation to ensure that the chain of evidence is maintained.

Bylaw and Regulatory Services

Provide personnel to support police officers under the direction of the Police Service.


b. Tapat ko, Linis ko- the most popular catchphrases displayed in the public places to promote clean environment and waste management.

c. Fumigation- to apply smoke, vapor or gas especially for the purpose of disinfecting or of destroying pests.

d. Sports Fest- is an organized sporting event, often held over multiple days and featuring competition in many different sports.

e. Curfew- An order by a government for certain persons to return home daily before a certain time. It can be imposed to maintain public order or suppress targeted groups. Curfews have long been directed at certain groups in many cities or states or people younger than a certain age (usually within a few years either side of 18). Some jurisdictions have also introduced "daytime curfews" that would prevent high school-age youth from visiting public places during school hours or even during immediate after-school hours.

f.      Operation Tule


21. Predominant Organizations in the Community

a. Barangay Council- a set of persons in authority to implement ordinances governing the barangay.

b. SK (Sangguniang Kabataan)- is the governing body in every chapter of the Katipunan ng Kabataan (Youth Federation). It initiates policies, programs and projects for the development of youth in their respective political territories.

c. Couples for Christ- is a Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.

d.Senior citizen-the age at which one is officially viewed as a senior citizen varies, depending on the laws or regulations established by the government, corportation or agency.

e. Rotary Club


22. House or Land Ownership

a. Owned- have exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of thing.

b. Rented- there’s a payment, usually of an amount fixed by contract, made by a tenant at specified intervals in return for the right to occupy or use the property of another.

c. Lease to own- an arrangement where an individual enters into a lease agreement with an owner with the inclusion of a clause that typically gives the individual the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the item leased at a predefined price and time. More often than not, a portion of the total rental payment goes toward paying down the value of the item leased in the event that the renter wishes to exercise the option.

d. Rent free- not having to pay or not paying rent.


23. Construction Materials used For House

                        a. Light- bamboo, nipa, coconut leaves, sawali, etc.

                        b. Strong- predominantly concrete

                        c. Mixed- combination of light materials, wood or concrete


24. Ventilation (perception of air circulation inside the house) - means of providing currents of fresh air, (for purifying, curing, refreshing) and expelling stagnant or foul air.


a.  Well ventilated- approximate circulation of at least 10% opening against the floor area. A house consist of a door, two large windows is said to be well ventilated.

b.  Fair ventilated- approximate circulation of at least 5% opening against floor area. A house with one door and relatively small windows is said to be fair ventilated.

c.  Poor Ventilated- a house with one door and few windows.


25. Lighting Facilities- artificial means of providing light/ illumination.


a.  Electricity/Electric lighting- used both at night and to provide additional light during the daytime. These lights are normally powered by the electric grid.

b.  Kerosene/Gas lighting- refers to a technology used to produce light from gas, usually methane, but also including hydrogen and ethylene.

c.  Candle- is a source of light, and sometimes a source of heat, consisting of a solid block of fuel (commonly wax) and an embedded wick.

d.  Adequate- sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.

e.  Inadequate- insufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.


26. Excretes Disposal

a. Pail System-  a pail or box to receive the excreta and disposed later when filled (includes ballot system wherein the excreta is wrapped in a piece of paper/plastic and thrown later).

b. Flush Type- is a toilet that disposes of human waste by using water to flush it through a drainpipe to another location.

c. Bored Hole Latrine- it consists of a circular hole, usually 40cms in diameter, bored vertically into the ground by means of an earth auger to a depth of 6-8 meters. The latrine floor and its super structure are also provided.

d. Overhung Latrine- toilet house is constructed over a body of water (stream, lake, river) into which the excreta is allowed to fall freely.

e. Open Pit Privy- consists of a pit covered by a platform with a hole. The hole is usually not covered. The platform may, in its simplest form, consist of 2 pieces of wood or bamboo.

f. Antipolo type- toilet house is elevated and the shallow pit extended upwards to the platform (toilet floor) by means of a chute or pipe made of metal, clay, aluminum or board.

g. Close Pit Privy- a pit privy in which the hole over the platform or toilet floor is provided with a cover.

h. Water sealed Latrine- an antipolo type of toilet, bored hole latrine or any pit privy wherein water sealed toilet bowl is placed instead of the simple platform hole.


27. Ownership of Toilet Facility                    

a.  Private- designed or intended for one’s exclusive use

b.  Shared- to accord a share in (something) to another or others.

c.  Public- maintained for or used by the people or community


28. Sewerage System


a.  Blind Drainage- the surface drainage, such as the drainage toward the central part of an interior basin, whereby water does not reach the ocean.

b.   Open Drainage- the admittance of air into a wound or cavity to facilitate drainage.



a.  Free Flowing- no blocking on the drainage/ the water easily flows.

b.  Stagnant- it is blocked by wastes or any material making the water to remain/ the water doesn’t easily flow.


29. Types of Garbage Disposal


a.        Animal Feeding- the garbage is used as hog feed.

b.        Burial Pit- refuse/garbage placed in a pit and covered when filled up. There is no intention to dig it up later for use as fertilizer. This should be located 25 meters away from any well used for water supply.

c.        Composting- burying the garbage to convert into organic fertilizer.

d.        Burning- regularly piles refuse/garbage and later burned in open air. This is uncontrolled burning which is usually done for yard and street sweeping. It may be allowed in rural areas where it will not worsen already existing air pollution.

e.        Open Dumping- refuse and/or garbage piled in a dumping place (with or without pit) with no soil covering.


30.     Containers used for Garbage

a.        Garbage Bags- indoor bins are traditionally lined with bags, which keeps the bin itself clean, facilitates the removal of the garbage and allows disposal with minimal contact to the contents.

b.        Waste Baskets- are usually made of plastic usually used in offices to dispose of waste paper and other office refuse

c.        Sack-is a disposable bag of strong coarse material for holding objects in bulk used to contain garbage.


31.      Sources of Drinking Water

a.        Local Water System- a system for delivering water to a group of users.

b.        Artesian Well- a well drilled through impermeable strata to reach water capable of rising to the surface by internal hydrostatic pressure

c.        Deep Well- a pit or hole sunk into the earth to such depth as to reach a supply of water

d.        Rain Water- water that is falling or has fallen as rain and is soft containing relatively little soluble mineral matter.

e.        Streams-it is a body of water with a current, confined within a bed and stream-banks.

f.         Rivers- large natural stream of water emptying into ocean, lake, or other body of water usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.

g.        Spring- a point where groundwater flows out of the ground and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface.



32.     Methods of Sanitizing Water

a.        Boiling- should be boiled for at least 2 minutes more after reaching boiling point of 100 degree Celsius to kill all vegelative bacteria, virus, fungi.

b.        Sedimentation-impurities in water are allowed to settle at the bottom of the container for 30 minutes-1hour and pouring the top part in a new clean container without creating turbulence

c.        Filtration- common to use sand filters or cloth filters to filter water.


33.      Storage of Sanitary Water

a.        Jar- is small, approximately cylindrical container for food, normally made of glass or clay. It is a container, especially for liquids.

b.        Drum- referred to a drum-shaped container such as a water drum, which had to be well sealed to prevent leaks. It is usually big in size and used for storing water.

c.        Water Tank- storage containers for water, these tanks are usually storing water for human consumption.

d.        Plastic/Glass Container- a container made of plastic or glass especially used as a drinking vessel.

e.        Bottles- containers usually made of plastic or glass. It is a receptacle having a narrow neck, usually no handles, and a mouth that can be plugged, corked or capped.

f.         Water Dispenser- one that dispenses or gives out water, especially a machine or container that allows the water to be removed and used in a convenient or prescribed amount.


34.    Ways of Controlling Vectors and Rodents

a.        Fumigation- to subject smoke in order to disinfect, kill insects

b.        Insecticides- any chemical preparation used for killing insect pests

c.        Fly Traps- a device for catching flies

d.        Mouse Traps- a device for catching mouse

e.        Screen on Windows and Doors- give protection to prevent or lessen the insects from entering the house

f.         4 o’clock Habit

g.        Slipper Technique

h.        Bidota


35.    Community Health Programs

a.        Free Consultation- giving professional advice/service with no charge or fee required

b.        Immunization Status of Target Age Group (0-12months old) - vaccine and the number of doses.

c.        Family Planning- a planning intended to determine the number and spacing of one’s children through effective methods of birth control.

d.        Dental Care- a consultation related to the care of the teeth

e.        Nutritional Status of Target Age Group (0-6 years old)- identify presence of malnutrition with their respective categories.

f.         Sanitation


36.     Food Storage

a.        refrigerator

b.        table

c.        basket


37.      Persons Consulted in Times of Illness

a.        Doctor-a physician or medical practitioner, whatever be his degree in medicine

b.        Nurse- one who has the care of the sick, feeble, or injured, or who is trained for the purpose.

c.        Hilot- one who gives massage professionally

d.        Albularyo- a quack doctor who usually uses herbs for treatment of any kind of ailment

e.        Faith Healer- one who treats disease with prayer

f.         Midwife- a woman who assists others in childbirth.

g.        Family- the household or all those who live in one house (as parents, children, servants).

h.        Relatives-ones who are related by blood

i.         BHW (Barangay Health Worker/s)- refers to a person who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and non-government organization and who voluntarily renders primary health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by local health board in accordance with the guidelines for the promotion, maintenance and advancement of their activities and services.


38.     Medications

a.        Medicines

                        *Prescribed Medicines-medicine or treatment ordered by the doctor

                        *Over the Counter Drugs- medicines that may be sold to anyone via a pharmacy.

b.        Herbal Medicines- medicine made from herbs. The following are the ten medicinal plants approved by the DOH.


1.        Akapulko

2.        Ampalaya

3.        Bawang

4.        Bayabas

5.        Lagundi

6.        Niyog-niyogan

7.        Sambong

8.        Tsaang gubat

9.        Ulasimang Bato

10.     Yerba Buena


39.     Methods of Family Planning

a.        Natural Method-it is the method of controlling birth or preventing the mother to be pregnant in a nnatural way without using any artificial methods.

*Rhythm/Calendar Method- use of calculations to determine safe and unsafe days of the menstrual cycle, based on past cycles.

*Cervical Mucus Method- abstaining from sexual intercourse during fertile (wet) days prevents pregnancy. Safe (infertile) when the cervical mucus is sticky. Unsafe (fertile) when the cervical mucus is watery. It can be used by any woman of the reproductive age as long as she is not suffering from any unusual disease or conditions that results to extraordinary vaginal discharges.


*Basal Body Temperature- is identifying the fertile and infertile period of a woman’s cycle by daily taking and recording of the rise in the body temperature during and after ovulation.                                                 

b.        Artificial Contraceptives- are measures or agents designed to prevent pregnancy.

* Condoms- thin sheet of latex rubber made to fit on a man’s erect penis to prevent the passage of sperm cells and sexually transmitted disease organisms into the vagina. It provides dual protection from STIs including HIV preventing transmission of disease microorganisms during intercourse.

* IUD (Intrauterine Device)- contraceptive method which uses small, soft plastic device that is inserted into the uterus.

*Pills- a small, round shaped oral contraceptive taken daily by women. Women 19 to 34 years old who desire to space or limit their child bearing.


c. Permanent Contraception- a method that requires simple operation and limits the couple on having a child again.

*Vasectomy/Male Sterilization- permanent method wherein the vas deferens (passage of sperm) is tied and cut or blocked through a small opening on the scrotal skin.

*Tubal Ligation- permanent contraception for women who do not want more children. It involves cutting or blocking the two fallopian tubes.


40.      Infant Feeding Program

a.        Breast milk- refers to the milk produced by a mother to feed her baby.

b.        Formula Milk- is an artificial milk substitute for human breast milk, promoted for infant consumption.

c.        Milk Alternative-

* Condensed Milk

* Powdered Milk

* Evaporated Milk

* Am


d.        Mixed- means that in feeding the infant breast milk and formula milk are given.


41.     Maternal Care 15- 44 years old- a program to improve the survival, health and well-being of mothers and unborn through a package of services for the pre-pregnancy, pre-natal and post-natal stages.

                                    *Age of Gestation

                                    *Pre-natal Check-up-a consultation occurring, existing or taking place before birth.

*Tetanus Toxoid Immunization- vaccination for women is important to prevent Tetanus in both mother and the baby. When two dose of TT injection given at one month interval between each dose during pregnancy or even before pregnancy period the baby is protected against neonatal tetanus.


42.      Morbidity- the state of poor health.

43.      Mortality- a fatal outcome or, in one word, death.


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Dr. Meredith Grey: At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away.
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