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SDBORJA22 (^^,)v




General Survey


            Height:  ______                       Weight: ______                                 BMI: _________


            Body Built:                 Proportionate              Excessively thin                      Obese

                                                Ectomorph                  Mesomorph                             Endomorph

Posture:                       Relaxed w/ erect posture                               

Tense w/ bent posture or slouched

Gait:                            Coordinated Movements                   

                                    Uncoordinated movements                 Tremors

Overall Hygiene:         Clean and neat                                                Dirty and unkempt

Body Odor:                 No body odor                                     Foul body odor

Breath Odor:               No breath odor                                    Foul breath odor

Signs of distress:         No signs of distress                             Signs of distress present

                                                                                                _ bending over    _labored breathing

                                                                                                _ Others: Specify: ______________

Signs of Health or illness:       Healthy appearance                pallor               weakness

Attitude:                     Cooperative                             Negative or inappropriate to situation

Appropriateness of Response:                        Appropriate to the situation

                                                            Inappropriate to the situation

Quantity of Speech:                            Understandable or moderate pace

                                                            Rapid or slow pace

Organization of thoughts:                   Exhibits thought association

                                                            Lacks association, exhibits confabulation

Relevance of thoughts:                       Logical sequence, makes sense and has the sense of reality

                                                            Illogical sequence, flight of ideas and has confusion


Color:                          light brown                              fair complexion                       deep brown

                                    Pallor                   cyanosis                      jaundice                    erythema

Presence of edema:                 no edema                     has edema where: _________

Skin lesions:                            freckles                        birthmarks where: _________

                                                Nevi: _flat   _raised                 abrasions                    lesions

Skin moisture:                         moisture in skin folds and axillae

                                                Excessive moisture                  excessive dryness

Skin temperature:                    uniform within the normal range

                                                Hyperthermia:   _ Generalized     _ Localized: where? _________

                                                Hypothermia:   _ Generalized     _ Localized: where? _________

Skin turgor:                             springs back to previous state when pinched

                                                Moves back slowly when pinched


Shape and curvature:              convex                         spoon nail                    clubbing


Bed color:                               highly vascular and pink                     pallor                           bluish

Texture:                                   smooth texture                        excessively thick                 excessively thin

                                                presence of grooves or furrows

Tissues surrounding nails:       intact epidermis              hangnails                 paronychia (inflame)

Blanch test:                             prompt return                  delayed return




Shape or symmetry:                normocephalic                         lack of symmetry

Masses/nodules/depressions:               smooth, uniform consistencies, absence of nodules/masses

                                                            Sebaceous cysts or local deformities


Color:                                      white color                              other color due to depressions

Tenderness:                             no tenderness                          with tenderness


Evenness of growth:               even distribution                     patches of hair loss

                                                thick                                        thin     

Texture and oiliness:               silky, resilient hair             brittle              oily                 dry

Infection and infestations:                  no infections or infestations

                                                            Flakes              sores                lice                   ring worms


Features and symmetry:                      symmetric features                  asymmetric features


Eyebrows:                   hair evenly distributed                                                loss/unevenly distributed       

symmetrically aligned                                     asymmetrically aligned

                                    equal movement                                              unequal movement

Eyelashes:                   curled slightly outward                                   curled inward

Eyelids:                       skin intact, no discharge, bilateral blinking, close symmetrically

                                    redness, swelling, closes asymmetrically, infrequent blinking

B. Conjunctiva:           transparent with some evident capillaries

                                    Jaundice sclera                        excessively pale                 lesions/nodules

P. Conjunctiva:           shiny, smooth, and pink red in color

                                    extremely pail                          extremely red                    lesions/nodules

Sclera:                         white and clear                        jaundice w/ lesions                  redness


Clarity and texture:                 transparent, smooth, shiny and the details of iris are visible

                                                cloudy or opaque, surface not smooth

Corneal depth:                                    no shadows of light in iris, depth are about 3 mm

                                                crescent shape shadows on far side of the iris, shadow clambers

Corneal Sensitivity:                 blinks when the cornea is touched, trigeminal nerve intact

                                                one or both eyelids fail to respond

Iris:                              brown/dark brown in color, oval and flat

                                    Bulging of iris toward cornea

Pupils:                         black in color, equal in size                             cloudiness

                                    Both illuminated and nonilluminated contricts

                                    Neither pupil constricts

Near Vision:                was able to read newsprint                 wasn’t able to read newsprint

Distance Vision:          Left: _______             Right: ________         Both: ________

Lacrimal Apparatus:                no edema or tearing                presence of edema and tearing

Extraocular muscles:               coordinated movements          uncoordinated movements

Visual fields:                           was able to see in the periphery                      wasn’t able to see


Auricles:                      same as the facial color                       bluish                           pallor

                                    Aligned w/ the outer canthus              low-set ears

                                    Firm, recoils when folded                   tendered when moved, flaky

Acuity test:

Normal voice tones:                audible                                    not audible

Tick test:                     able to hear in both ears                      unable to hear in one or both ears

Weber’s test:               positive (heard in both ears)                negative

Rinne’s test:                positive (AC > BC)                             negative (BC > AC or BC = AC)


Shape, size and flaring:                       symmetric                    asymmetric

                                                            No flaring                    with flaring

Nasal cavities:             clear, watery discharge                       abnormal discharge

                                    Mucosa is pink                                    mucosa is red

                                    No lesions                                           presence of lesions

Nasal septum:              intact and in midline                           deviated to the right or to the left

Patency:                      air moves freely                                   air movement is restricted

Tenderness/masses:                 no tenderness                          with tenderness

Sinuses:                                   no tenderness                          with tenderness


Lips:                            pinkish                         pallor                           bluish

                                    symmetrical                             asymmetrical

                                    able to purse lips                     wasn’t able to purse lips

Buccal Mucosa:           uniform pink color                  not uniform – redness in color

teeth:                           How many? _________

                                    smooth and intact dentures                 irritated area under dentures

                                    smooth, shiny enamel                          brown/black enamel

gums:                           pink gums                                            red gums

                                    no retraction of gums                          bleeding gums

tongue:                                    smooth tongue base w/ prominent veins                     swelling/ulcerations

                                    central position                                    deviated from the center

                                    moves freely, no tenderness                restricted mobility w/ tenderness

                                    no palpable nodules                            swelling w/ nodules

palates:                        light pink in color                                discoloration of the palates

                                    regular texture                                     irritations

uvula:                          positioned in midline of soft palate                deviated to one side

oropharynx:                 pink and smooth posterior wall                       reddened/ edematous

tonsils:                         pink and smooth                                 inflamed

                                    no discharge                                        presence of discharge

                                    normal sized                                        swollen


Lymph nodes:             no tenderness                                      with tenderness

Trachea:                       central placement                                deviated to one side

Thyroid gland:                        not visible during inspection               visible diffusion or local enlargement


Posterior:                     1:2 ratio                                               barrel chest

                                    Chest symmetric                                 chest asymmetric

                                    Spine vertically aligned                       exaggerated spinal curvature

                                                                                                _Kyphosis  _ lordosis  _ scoliosis

                                    uniform temperature                           hyperthermia

                                    no tenderness                                      with tenderness

                                    no masses                                            lumps, depressions or bulges present

                                    symmetric chest expansion                 asymmetric chest expansion

                                    bilateral symmetry of the vocal fremitus                    decreased/absent

                                    percussion notes resonate                    asymmetry in percussion

                                    vesicular and bronchovesicular breath sounds            adventitious sounds

Anterior:                      1:2 ratio                                               barrel chest

                                    Chest symmetric                                 chest asymmetric

                                    Spine vertically aligned                       exaggerated spinal curvature

                                                                                                _Kyphosis  _ lordosis  _ scoliosis

                                    uniform temperature                           hyperthermia

                                    no tenderness                                      with tenderness

                                    no masses                                            lumps, depressions or bulges present

                                    symmetric chest expansion                 asymmetric chest expansion

                                    bilateral symmetry of the vocal fremitus                    decreased/absent

                                    percussion notes resonate                    asymmetry in percussion

                                    vesicular and bronchovesicular breath sounds            adventitious sounds


            Aortic area:                 no pulsations                                       with pulsations

            Pulmonic area: no pulsations                                       with pulsations

Tricuspid area: no pulsations                                       with pulsations

                                    No lifts or heaves                                diffuse lifts or heaves

Apical area:                 pulsation visible in PMI                      PMI displaced laterally or lower

                                    No lifts or heaves                                diffuse lifts or heaves

S1 and S2:                   heard at all sites                                  varying intensity w/ different beats

Carotid arteries:          symmetric pulse volumes                    asymmetric volumes

                                    Full pulsation, thrusting quality          decreased pulsation

                                    No sound heard during auscultation               presence of bruit in arteries

Jugular veins:              veins not visible                                  veins visibly distented


Size & symmetry

Females:                      round, slightly unequal in size, generally symmetric

                                    recent change in breast size, swellings, marked asymmetry

Males:                          breast even with chest wall, if obese may be similar in shape w/ women

                                    recent change in breast size, swellings, marked asymmetry

skin of the breast:        uniform in color                      localized discoloration/hyperpigmentation

                                    with striae                               without striae

                                    no swelling or edema              with swelling or edema

                                    no tenderness                          with tenderness

areola:                          round                                       oval

                                    light pink                                 dark brown

                                    bilaterally the same                 not bilaterally the same

nipples:                        round                           everted                        point in the same direction

                                    no discharge                            presence of discharge

                                    no tenderness                          with tenderness

Axillae                                                no tenderness                         with tenderness


Skin integrity:             unblemished skin                    rashes or other lesions

                                    Uniform color                         tense or glistening skin

                                    Silver-white striae                   purple striae

Contour & symmetry:             flat, rounded               distended

                                                No evidence of enlargement of the liver or spleen

                                                Enlargement of the liver or the spleen

                                                Symmetric countour                asymmetric contour

Abdominal movements:          symmetric movements            asymmetric movements

Vascular pattern:                     no visible vascular pattern                   visible venous pattern

Bowel sounds:                                    audible                                                absent

Arterial bruits:                         loud bruits                               absent

Friction rub:                            bruits over renal or iliac arteries          absent

Percussion:                              tymphanic over the stomach and gas-filled bowels

                                                Large dull areas

Light palpation:                       No tenderness,relaxed                        with tenderness

Deep palpation:                       tenderness in the xiphoid pocess, cecum and sigmoid colon

                                                Generalized/localized areas of tenderness, mobile of fixed masses

Musculoskeletal system

            Size:                            equal in both sides                  atrophy                        hypertrophy

Contractures:               no contractures                        malposition of body parts

Fasciculations:             no fasciculation/tremors          presence of fasciculation/tremors

Muscle tonicity:          normally firm                          atonic










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Dr. Meredith Grey: At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that its happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you , and once in a while people may even take your breath away.
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